Martyn reports back from the Castle Coombe Mid Week Duathlon.

It was my first attempt at a duathlon. The 2 mile run around the circuit 10 mile bike on the track followed by another 2 mile run loop of the circuit seemed achievable. My race plan was to run the first 2 miles at a tempo pace of around 8-8.5 min/ miles. No power metres to hand so I hoped to achieve a consistent 20mph on the bike. And final run was to see what the legs have left and go from there.
The run route was undulating with mixed surfaces. I got about half a mile in and checked my watch the pace was too quick! I tried to back off slightly but I did feel okay and probably had a bit to much confidence for my own good.
I hit T1 in 13.13. The first part of my plan out the window. Transition was a bit sticky and needs work but that’s what experience will bring.
Out on the bike the track was perfect a slight head wind in places but the surface was superb. I’ve got no tech to help me other than a Garmin for speed so I just got my head down and pushed. I kept a steady 20mph for the 5 laps this part I feel I did as I set out to do in a time of 27.50. Just T2 and a final run to complete.

T2 was better I was out of my cycle shoes before dismount and that helped for a smoother transition. Out on run 2 I felt a bit fatigued but its only a short run so I just pushed on. The last mile hurt, I just sat on a pace that would get me over the line without blowing up. I turned the last corner with the finish line in sight.. just one more thing to perfect… race face for the course photographer!….. failed again miserably

. Run 2 time was 13.32.

In all I really enjoyed the event. There are 2 more in the series if anybody fancies it. I will definitely plan to do them.