Another month in 2024 has passed and race season will soon be upon us. February, just like January, has offered mixed weather, however, as well as the continued training calendar; a few races have popped up giving some members an opportunity to put to test some of that winter training effort.
Coached Training (Running & Swimming)

Coached running, as in January, has continued whatever the weather, within reason, not only due to the commitment from Coach Charlie, but also due to all of you guys regularly turning out time and time again. Coached running is included in your membership, and it is good to see on average 10 runners out on a Tuesday night. If there are members that are interesting in attending these fantastic sessions, that are open to ALL abilities, then they are are always advertised in the WhatsApp group, however, 1830 @ Oxstalls Campus, Uni of Glos, Gloucester.

Swimming continues to run successfully on both Mondays and Wednesdays, both led by Coach Charlie. Of Late, mostly this month, Coach Chris has been taking a Monday night session whilst working towards his next level coaching qualification. Wednesday just gone, 28th Feb, saw Coach Jon take a session from Warm up through drills and a challenging main set that he had concocted to put attendees their paces. It is good to see numbers increasing in both of the sessions, however, as always, there is always room for more. Whilst there is an additional charge for the swim sessions, at £5 a session, it is one of if not the cheapest coached swim sessions out there with access to a coach and it would be good to see the pool continue to fill up, week in week out.

Parkrun Saturdays (or the TTG Parkrun Sandwiches)
Saturdays, even more so over the off season, have become the prime opportunities for members to get out and Parkrun. These not only keep the training up, especially when combined with a long run (aka the TTG Parkrun Sandwich), but they are a prime opportunity for us to be out and be seen and doing what we do best, other than racing, which is supporting others. Over the last month, some Parkrun tourism has crept in, deviating from our usual haunt of Gloucester City or Gloucester North, to other places like Ludlow, Methyr Tydfil, Monmouth. Witney and even Holyrood (Edinburgh).


Road Cycling has been a bit hit and miss due to the weather, which is evidenced above and below (both photos were the same ride!) and not every ride has provided photographs to share with the members. Hopefully with the improvement in the weather in the coming spring weeks will see more outdoor rides as opposed to slogging away on the turbo trainer.

Mountain biking, although regularly mentioned or talked about took place in the earlier part of the month when Steve G, Chris B, Gary B and Jon M took to the forest trails in the forest of dean, which for Jon was his first outing on his new MTB, only fitting that it was also the first time he came off, evidenced below.

The intention is that these will become more of a regular alternative for members to take part in should they wish to. If you do not have a mountain bike, never fear, for the cycle centre in the Forest of Dean hire them out . Chris B has most of the details and knowledge about this, so if you may be interested, please feel free to contact him.
Mayhill Massacre 04/02/2024
No race report has been written, but the title suggests it is exactly as described…. No takers this year for the larger Mayhem Race (Massacre x2), a number of brave TTG Souls took to the slopes of Mayhill for the Massacre race, on what was a slightly changed course from previous years. That aside, it was still a challenging course for the members that took part over the two days that the event was being run on.

Martyn Carruthers was the only TTG member there on the Saturday, but was soon in good company when he managed to see Coach Tim. Sunday saw the other five members taking part on what was a generally sticky mud course that saw Mike “The mountain Goat” Daly bring it home as the first TTGer over the finish line, so quick, he missed the photo call for the after shot. It was a good but challenging run to blow the cobwebs away early on a Sunday morning in February.
Tewkesbury Aquathon Series 2024
Sunday 25th February saw the first of the annual Tewkesbury Aquathon series races, hosted by our friends over at Tewkesbury Tri. Held at the leisure centre, the races comprised of a 400m swim followed by a 5k run, which for this race had been adapted on the count of the usual route being submerged due to floodwater.
A number of club members took the start line, some as a first racing as part of the club whilst a good few turned out to support and cheer on fellow club mates.

Whilst every member did the club proud, a special mention goes to Louise Mcgowan who won her age group as well as being first female competitor, and to Gary Boon who was first in his Age Group. Well done both and every other competitor.

What is always nice to see is the after shot of everyone socialising afterwards over coffee (and cake). It does not go unnoticed the levels of support that each and everyone of you show to one another and its what makes us all proud to be members of this great club. James Baker produced a little video clip which has been circulated in the WhatsApp group should anyone want to relive the days events.

The next race is due on Sunday 17th March where more of the same will take place. Racing, Supporting and coffee with cake. There are still spaces open should you wish to sign up. The event serves as a great little local event, that is reasonably priced and an opportunity to put to practice some of the winter training.
Club AGM 28/03/2024.
The AGM is an important part of our club where you are all invited to hear how the club is doing (financially, members etc.), share any input you may have and is your chance to become more involved with the club*
Where: Churchdown Community Centre, Parton Road, GL3 2JH
When: Thursday 28th March
Time: 7pm
It’s the same venue as the social evening held in Jan (but different room, it’s upstairs!) so as a reminder there is a bar for drinks and we’ll bring along a few nibbles to keep us going 😁 An agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting. Please make every effort where possible to attend so you as members can be heard and make sure that your committee is steering the club in the right direction.
*Join the Committee 🧡💙🧡
We currently have a few vacant roles on the committee and are keen to hear from anyone who might be interested in getting a little more involved 🙂 we all do this for the love of the club and its members so don’t be shy, drop Club Chair, Secretary or any of the current committee members a message if you’re interested or even just a bit intrigued 🤓
Club Race
As you are all aware from the numerous facebook posts and whatsapp messages, the club race is set for the 26/05/2024 at Halo Sports Centre in Brockworth. Should this be subject to change for any reason it will be publicised to you all. Hannah Randall has already been canvassing members to help with marshalling on the day. If you have not been contacted and are free and able to help, speak up and we will add you to the numbers.
Similarly, if anyone wishes to race in the event, particularly newer members, then please feel free to, however, we respectfully ask you to source a marshall/volunteer to help out on the day where possible.
Although the early bird price has now officially ended, please keep on sharing and spreading the word about the race so that hopefully we can increase the numbers for race day.