A brief roundup with some notables and information about up and coming events.
Happy New Year to all our members and their families….
This is the first round up in quite some time. Unfortunately due to the sheer volume of activities and life getting in the way of the most things, something had to give. Time to start the new year with a new slate so to speak. These round ups are written when there is an opportunity to by either Me, Chris Basnett or Jon Murgatroyd and there is always space for new budding journalists to step up.
(If any members feel inclined or would like to be involved in the production of this round up, please contact Chris Basnett who can advise and direct appropriately.)
What Happened in 2023?
2023 , some of which was covered by previous round ups, has been an eventful year for the club on the whole, especially for the beating heart of the club, our members. Members old and new have made some incredible achievements, not all of which are solely measured on the length of an event. That being said, at least 7 members completed a long course event either on home soil or abroad. I am aware that the reports have been shared and read already, however, should you wish for some winter inspiration or want to relive the event through the member’s eyes again, you can find race reports for those events on the club page if you follow this link.
Club Awards 2023
As is tradition, the club committee and members (athlete of the year) vote on awards that are awarded annually at the Club Christmas Dinner. 2023 was no different. The list of the awards were :

And Some fun awards

Awards that have been given for different reasons mainly to highlight funny or classic moments this year.
False starter– Most races talked about but least races entered.
Most enthusiastic dismount – (Usually a decent fall off a bike)
Finding NEMO – an absurd distance covered in a single swim
Fashion Icon – ALL club branded clothing ALL the time
Milking it – making the most of it
Jules Verne– 20,000 leagues under the sea – items lost whilst OWS
Homer Simpson – D’oh! – Forgetting items or similar
Christopher Columbus – Getting lost in a race
Best Worst Excuses – Pretty self explanatory
J R R Tolkien – Longest race report written

Awards were given out after the annual Christmas dinner that this years was held at The Cheltenham Chase Hotel. Around 20 members (and respective partners) attended the dinner and after party just before Christmas.

TTG Twelve Days Of Christmas
Over the festive period and starting on Christmas Eve, Gordon S set the 12 days of Christmas Challenge, all of which was posted in our club members WhatsApp chat group. The completed efforts need to be submitted to G by the 10th January 2024 and all 12 challenges must be completed to be in with a chance of topping the leader board. Some of the challenges included doing an activity on Christmas day to completing an OWS (sensibly) . Below are some efforts within those challenges.

On Christmas eve, the new holder of the club’s President Cup, James Baker, kicked off his Christmas period with the final segment of his “Running home for Christmas Challenge”. Staying away from home before Christmas , a distance of 196.4km , James came up with his challenge to complete that distance before Christmas to raise money for Smiles Cafe in Gloucester. The final leg of his challenge was a half marathon from Leonard Stanley to the centre of Gloucester where Smiles Cafe is located. Needless to say, as with most things this year, James, ably smashed this challenge, coming in quicker than he anticipated in what was his first half marathon run. James was supported by his family and friends at the finish, but also by Dave Heywood, Gary Boon and Jon Murgatroyd from the club, alongside a few other of James’ friends.

What is coming Up?
In January, alongside the usual weekly training, there are some additional dates for the diary.
15th January 2024 @ 7pm – Churchdown Community Centre , Parton Road, Gloucester – Q & A Session. This has been arranged for people to come together on a social basis and chat all things triathlon or club related. A perfect opportunity to come together in an environment that involves no physical activity. There is bar at the venue which will be open.
28th January 2024 – Velodrome Trip – Newport The Velodrome trip has been pencilled in for sometime and is going ahead on the 28th January. Full details will be sent out in due course to those have already paid their deposits. The trip is heavily subsidised by the club and the only costs required to pay by members is bike hire of £16.50. (On top of the £5 deposit) The trip will be held at the velodrome and is a 2 hour session taken by PDQ Coaching who are providing two coaches to give members a taste of track cycling. It is open to all members of any experience / fitness level. If you have not signed up yet or still wish to sign up, please contact Adey on WhatsApp, ASAP.
and finally….. Club Race 2024
The date has been set for the annual TTG Gloucester Triathlon which this year will be held on the 26th May 2024. The race committee is in the throes of planning the event, meeting regularly and trying to sort and organise the event. Nearer the time we will be reaching out to members to assist with volunteering on the day at the race venue, like we do every year. Please keep an eye on the chat for updates, but in the meantime, SHARE SHARE SHARE and spread the word about the club race.
Happy New year to all our members and families.