Weekend Activity
Saturday 27th May saw a ride put on by Tricky that was approximately 80 kms give or take that was a relatively, if not, flat route south, starting at the Churchdown RVP and heading towards Stonehouse and Cam and towards Frampton and Saul (with a coffee stop at Stables Cafe) before rejoining the route out back towards Brockworth. DD and Gordy joined and left at stages whilst Adey and Tricky met at the skatepark at the start and split upon their return to Brockworth. Glorious weather and great riding conditions.

One of our usual cycling leaders, Ryan, was out on an Audax ride with a friend on the Neville Chanin Memorial ride, incorporating starting in Evesham, taking on the Old Severn Bridge and making his way back to Evesham that saw him take on a monstrous 200KM (or 125 miles which ever denomination you prefer) spending a long 9 hours of moving time in the saddle. Fair play Ryan well done, getting you some good practice in for the long course in Tenby in September.
John Holland offered up a trail run late on in the week as an alternative to rides should anyone wish to run , on a route that saw him go Haresfield to Painswick and back in again glorious sunshine. A solid 8 miles plus across mixed terrain.
Hannah B, Jon M and Lee P all headed down to Lake 32 to get their sighters in for the 113 (which is now less than a week away ), with Hannah getting all three disciplines under her belt in the process. Sessions were offered by the organisers to help competitors prepare for the event that will be going ahead on 4th June 2023.

You could be forgiven in thinking that they were abroad somewhere in the photo posted above.
Elsewhere, in the Capital, John Barry took on ride London. No news back on that experience for John as of yet, but at some point hopefully he could pen some words together about the event.
Time Trialling

Thursday 25th May saw Gordy and (first timer) Adey head down to the Dursley Road Club U7B course to put themselves against the clock for 10 miles (5.2 out, 4.8 back). A race report hasn’t been done by Adey because although good fun, there isn’t much to say other than, we turned up, warmed up, got sent on our way, raced for 25 minutes and then came back. Adey clocked a time of 25:19 for 10 Miles whilst Gordy came back in a tractor obstructed 26:10 . Gordy will be attending again this week and will give you a proper insight when he scripts a report from that.

What I will say, as grim as it sounds, it was good fun and a great experience. As the season progresses, these are a great and different way to do things on a Tuesday or Thursday night. Get in contact with Gordy and/or Pete J if you want to get involved.
Club Race

Sunday 28th May saw a vast majority of the membership involved in the annual TTG Club event hosted at Halo Sports centre in Brockworth. Everyone mucked in to get the event set up, keep the event running smoothly and then tidy up afterwards. There has been nothing but positive praise that has been flooding in from the competitors in either emails or on facebook.

One reoccurring theme, that keeps popping up no matter what, is how much people enjoyed their experience and interactions with all of you , the marshalls, without whom the event could not have gone ahead. Comments saying how enthusiastic, welcoming and helpful you all were. Thank you so much team for all your efforts. It is great to both hear and see.

The above report was sent to us from the race BTF Referee and is what appears to be a fair reflection of the day, all in all Excellent.
If any of the membership have anything they wish to share or comment on in relation to the race, be it feedback (positive or negative) or any thoughts please let the Race committee know.
Your race committee for 2023 was Pete J, Paul Y, John H, Katie W, Adey, Hannah R and Gavin . If anyone would like to be involved in the next club race process, please let Katie W know or reach out to any of the committee if you would like to get involved.
113 Middle Distance Race 04/06/2023
As in the last round up, Sunday coming is the big day for 18 Members who have been preparing for this event since Ryan mentioned it way back when. Racing begins nice and early on the Sunday morning but the Club gazebo will be up and will act as a HQ for the day for people to congregate and celebrate with racers. It will be near the finishing Chute . Bring a camping chair, bring good spirits and plenty of cheer to help out your club members take on this race for some of whom this will be their first attempt at the middle distance. If people wish to bring things with them (snacks/cakes or anything at all, some collusion in the members group would be good to organise anything). The majority of the club racers go off between 0650 and 0700 hours . It is set to be a hot, sunny day so why not come down and make a day of it and maybe even convince yourself that next year could be your year…..
On a separate note, please let us know if you want anything included or put out in the weekly round ups.